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10 tips to protect your cat in winter weather

 10 tips to protect your cat in winter weather

Discover expert tips on protecting your cat during the winter. From creating cozy indoor spaces to providing outdoor shelters, learn how to make sure your feline friend stays warm and healthy.

Buy a bed radiator

Cats, who are known for their love of snoozing, tend to sleep more during the winter. Consider investing in a radiator bed; Our survey revealed that 30% of cat owners found this to be their favorite in the winter. Providing a warm place can make a big difference in your cat's comfort.

Providing outdoor shelter

Not all cats prefer to stay indoors. For outdoor enthusiasts, create a safe, warm space away from the cold elements. A covered shelter such as a garden shed or greenhouse provides excellent refuge. Make sure they are stored with an old blanket for extra warmth.

Build a den inside

Cats have small, cozy spaces. Build a DIY den using old blankets, towels, or bedding. It serves as entertainment and a warm sleeping place. Your feline friend will appreciate the effort you put into creating a cozy hideaway.

Make use of old towels

Don't throw away your old towels yet! Aside from building dens, they are useful if your cat gets wet. Cats generally don't like water, so having a quick solution to dry and warm them could be a lifesaver, according to 37% of cat owners surveyed.

Monitor behavior

As winter approaches, the use of antifreeze, which is toxic to cats, increases. Watch for symptoms such as vomiting, drowsiness, and difficulty breathing. If you suspect ingestion of antifreeze, contact your veterinarian immediately to avoid serious consequences.

Have a mat near the cat's cover

Stay clean by placing a mat near the cat's blanket. Helps prevent mud, moisture, and debris from entering your home. Check your cat's paws regularly for cuts or abrasions, especially during the winter when harsh conditions affect the health of their paws.

Take advantage of sunlight

If you have a well-lit area, set up a bed or hammock for your cat to enjoy natural light. Cats enjoy high places, and exposure to sunlight, when available, improves their overall health.

Share body heat

Cats love warm places, and your lap is no exception. Enjoy quality time with your feline companion by sharing body heat. Winter provides an excellent opportunity for extra bonding and cuddling.

Enjoy the extra cuddles

According to our survey, 72% of cat owners reported that their cats are less active and more affectionate during the winter. Embrace the season as an opportunity for extra cuddles and love from your four-legged friend.

A pet writer and blogger, I own a beautiful cat. I love sharing valuable information about cats to benefit the largest number of people and to improve cat care and protection.


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