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10 clear signs that your cat adores you

 10 clear signs that your cat adores you

Discover the clear signs that your cat truly loves you. From frequent purrs to tail wagging, understand the language of cat emotion. Learn more with Dutch, your trusted online veterinary resource.

 1. Repeated purring

Kittens start purring from a young age, and use it as a way to express happiness or contentment. Scientifically speaking, cat purrs contain therapeutic vibrations, making it a sign that they are happy when engaging in relaxing activities like cuddling with you on the couch.

2. They follow you everywhere

Although cats are not herd animals, they are social creatures. If your cat follows you, this is a sign of love and trust, and he seeks attention through play or scratches. Learn the signs of separation anxiety and consult your veterinarian if necessary.

 3. Slow blinking

Slow blinking is a profound sign of a cat's happiness and confidence. Cats slowly close their eyes when they feel relaxed, showing their comfort around you. Reciprocate your trust by slowly blinking at your feline friend.

 4. Giving you gifts

Outside or inside, cats express their love through gifts. Outdoor cats may bring prey, while indoor cats may provide toys. Accept these gestures graciously, as they indicate your cat's affection and desire for more interaction.

 5. Increase cuddling

Even if your cat is independent, moments of affection will be evident. Whether she's sitting quietly on your lap or sleeping next to you, these actions show your cat's love. Sleeping on top of your head is a special sign of trust and affection.

 6. They lick you

Grooming is a cat's way of showing affection. Although a cat's tongue may not be the most comfortable, licking is a form of bonding and scent recognition, strengthening the connection between you and your feline companion.

7. Exposing the abdomen

Cats only expose their bellies when they trust someone deeply. It's a vulnerable gesture, and while stroking the belly may not be preferred, recognizing this display of trust is crucial to understanding your cat's affection.

 8. Wag the tail

A cat's tail conveys their feelings. Gently wagging the tail from side to side expresses happiness, while a straight, stiff tail may indicate stress. Pay attention to your cat's tail language to understand its emotional state.

 9. Kneading

Kneading is a common behavior in cats that expresses contentment and affection. Whether on pillows or your clothes, it is a self-soothing mechanism. Consider this a positive sign that your cat is happy and bonded with you.

10. Hitting the head

Butting a cat's head, or raising its head, indicates a strong bond and sharing a scent. When your cat scratches its head against yours, it is a clear indication that you are considered part of its family.

A pet writer and blogger, I own a beautiful cat. I love sharing valuable information about cats to benefit the largest number of people and to improve cat care and protection.


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