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 Tips to stop spraying

Tips to stop spraying

  Any time your cat leans against a door or something else in the house, raises his tail, and urinates, you have a problem. This problem is called spraying and is very common in indoor cats. Although this is a very annoying problem, it can be solved.  

What is spraying?  

Contrary to what many people think, spraying is not a waste issue, but a labeling issue. Sprayed cat urine contains pheromones, a substance that cats and other animals use to communicate. Like human fingerprints, pheromones are used to distinguish a cat from other animals. 

 Reasons for spraying 

 When a cat sprays something, it is simply marking its territory with urine. Spraying is simply the cat's way of letting others know that the area is theirs. Although it may make you angry and upset, getting angry at your cat won't solve anything. Raising your voice or showing anger toward your cat may cause it to spray repeatedly.  

Cats in heat are easily attracted to the smell of urine. For cats in heat, the spray is essentially an invitation to love. Often, cats that spray in hot weather will give birth to kittens within a few months. Remember that cats not only spray when it's hot, but some also spray when they encounter other cats or when they are stressed. 

Although the spray is a means of communication between cats, its odor is unpleasant to humans. The good news is that most cats spray outside. If you have a cat in the house that never goes outside, spraying can be a problem. If you notice stains in your home, you must act immediately and take the necessary measures.

  Ways to stop spraying 

 The most effective and easiest way to stop spraying is to spay or neuter your cat, which of course depends on its gender. Most neutered male cats stop spraying the product the day after surgery. If you don't want to pay money to have your cats neutered, you should look for other options. If you plan to breed your cat, you should not spay or neuter it. 

 The best thing you can do in this case is to talk to your vet. He can advise you and possibly solve the problem without surgery. The cause of the problem may be a medical issue that your veterinarian can identify. You should always spray something first because cat urine is smelly and can leave stains anywhere in the apartment.

A pet writer and blogger, I own a beautiful cat. I love sharing valuable information about cats to benefit the largest number of people and to improve cat care and protection.


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